Trezor Hardware Wallet (Official) | Bitcoin & Crypto Security is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of your Trezor hardware wallet. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the setup process, introduce you to key features, and help you make the most of your Trezor device.

What is a Trezor crypto wallet?

A Trezor crypto wallet is a state-of-the-art hardware wallet designed to provide maximum security for your digital assets. Unlike software wallets that store your private keys on potentially vulnerable devices, Trezor keeps your keys offline in a secure chip, protecting them from online threats.

Key Features of Trezor Wallets:

  1. Offline Storage: Your private keys never leave the device, ensuring they’re safe from online attacks.
  2. PIN Protection: Access to your wallet is guarded by a PIN code that you set.
  3. Recovery Seed: A 12 to 24-word phrase that allows you to recover your funds if your device is lost or damaged.
  4. Compatibility: Supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and tokens.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use through the Trezor Suite application.

Trezor Supported Coins

Trezor wallet support an extensive list of cryptocurrencies, catering to diverse investment strategies. Here’s a more comprehensive list of supported coins:

This list is continually expanding, ensuring that Trezor remains at the forefront of cryptocurrency storage solutions. Always check the official Trezor website for the most up-to-date list of supported coins.

How to use and set up Trezor Wallet?

Setting up your Trezor wallet is a straightforward process that ensures your cryptocurrencies are stored securely. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Unbox your Trezor device and connect it to your computer using the provided USB cable.
  2. Visit in your web browser. This official page will guide you through the setup process.
  3. Download and install Trezor Suite, the official software for managing your Trezor wallet.
  4. Launch Trezor Suite and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your device.
  5. Create a strong PIN for your device. This PIN will be required every time you want to access your wallet.
  6. Write down your recovery seed. This is a series of 12 to 24 words that you’ll need if you ever lose your device or need to recover your funds. Store this seed in a safe, offline location.
  7. Verify your recovery seed by entering the words in the correct order as prompted by your device.
  8. Once setup is complete, you can start using your Trezor wallet to securely store and manage your cryptocurrencies.

Remember, never share your PIN or recovery seed with anyone. Trezor support will never ask for this information.

Advanced Features of Trezor Wallets

  1. Passphrase Protection: Add an extra word to your recovery seed for additional security.
  2. Multiple Accounts: Create separate accounts for different cryptocurrencies or purposes.
  3. U2F Authentication: Use your Trezor as a universal second-factor authentication device for supported online services.
  4. Password Manager: Securely store and manage your passwords using your Trezor device.
  5. Hidden Wallets: Create hidden wallets within your device for extra privacy and security.

Trezor Wallet Security Best Practices

  1. Keep your device’s firmware updated to ensure you have the latest security features.
  2. Always verify transactions on the device screen before confirming them.
  3. Use a strong, unique PIN for your device.
  4. Store your recovery seed in a secure, offline location. Consider using a fireproof and waterproof storage solution.
  5. Be cautious of phishing attempts. Always double-check that you’re using the official Trezor website and software.

Why a hardware wallet?

In the world of cryptocurrency, security is paramount. Let’s explore why a hardware wallet, specifically a Trezor wallet, is your best bet for safeguarding your digital assets.

Online exchanges

While online exchanges are convenient, they come with significant risks:

Go offline with Trezor

Trezor hardware wallets offer unparalleled security:

No experience needed

Don’t let the tech intimidate you:

Say Hi, Trezor Safe 5

Crypto security & convenience in a gorgeous design. The EAL6+ Secure Element adds asset protection while the bright, vibrant color touchscreen & haptic feedback bring a new level to your crypto experience.

Discover more about the Trezor Safe 5, our latest innovation in hardware wallets.

Kickstart with Trezor Expert

New to the world of hardware wallets? No worries! Book a one-on-one online session with our experts to get your Trezor hardware wallet set up and all your questions answered.

Discover more about our expert sessions and how they can help you master your Trezor wallet.

Confirm every transaction on your device

With a Trezor wallet, you’re always in control. Every transaction requires your physical confirmation on the device, adding an extra layer of security to your crypto operations.

Supports 1000s of coins & tokens

The Trezor crypto wallet is compatible with a vast array of cryptocurrencies, making it a versatile choice for diverse portfolios.

Supported assets

Trezor model

And many more! Check the Trezor wallet supported coins list for a complete overview.

Come what may, you’re protected all the way

Trezor offers comprehensive protection for your digital assets:

We started the industry

In 2013, our visionary founders created the first hardware wallet. Over the past decade, relentless innovation and dedication have driven us to incredible heights, now serving over 2 million users worldwide. Our success is powered by a team of over 150 exceptional employees.

About Trezor

Frequently asked questions

Why should I use a hardware wallet?

A hardware wallet, like the Trezor wallet, offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced security: Your private keys never leave the device, protecting them from online threats.
  2. Offline storage: As a cold wallet, Trezor keeps your assets offline and safe from hackers.
  3. User control: You have full control over your assets, unlike with exchanges.
  4. Multi-currency support: Store various cryptocurrencies in one secure place.
  5. Backup and recovery: Easily recover your funds if your device is lost or damaged.

How does Trezor compare to other wallets?

When considering a Trezor Suite vs Ledger or other options:

  1. Trezor is open-source, allowing for community review and enhanced trust.
  2. Trezor offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for beginners.
  3. The Trezor wallet app provides seamless integration with the hardware device.
  4. Trezor’s customer support is highly rated, ensuring help when you need it.

Which Trezor model should I choose?

Choosing the best Trezor wallet depends on your needs:

  1. Trezor Model One: A budget-friendly option with essential features.
  2. Trezor Model T: Offers a touchscreen and supports more cryptocurrencies.
  3. Trezor Safe 3: Enhanced security with a Secure Element chip.
  4. Trezor Safe 5: Our latest model with advanced features and sleek design.

Consider your budget, the cryptocurrencies you hold, and desired features when deciding.

Remember, whether you’re looking for a Trezor bitcoin wallet or a multi-currency solution, Trezor has you covered. With options available at Best Buy and other retailers, securing your crypto has never been easier. Start your journey to financial sovereignty with a Trezor hardware wallet today!

Get top-notch security and total peace of mind with a Trezor hardware wallet! These innovative devices keep your crypto safe from hackers, malware, and other threats by storing sensitive data offline, ensuring your digital assets are protected 24/7. With easy wallet backup features, your funds are always recoverable, no matter what happens.

What is a hardware wallet?

A hardware wallet, like the Trezor wallet, is a secure physical device designed for sending, receiving, and storing cryptocurrencies and tokens offline. It provides maximum security by never exposing your wallet backup or sensitive data to internet-connected environments such as your PC or smartphone. This offline storage method, also known as a cold wallet, is crucial for keeping your digital assets safe from online threats.

How does a hardware wallet work?

Your Trezor hardware wallet acts like a digital vault, handling transactions offline to ensure your precious crypto data remains safe from internet exposure. When you want to make a transaction, you initiate it on your computer or smartphone using the Trezor wallet app. The transaction details are then sent to your Trezor device for verification and signing. This process ensures that your private keys never leave the secure environment of the hardware wallet, making it the smart and safe way to manage your cryptocurrencies.

What if I lose my hardware wallet?

No need to stress! If you lose your Trezor wallet, you can easily recover your funds. Simply purchase a new Trezor from the official Trezor Shop or an authorized reseller. Then, use your recovery seed (wallet backup), which you created when setting up your first wallet, to regain access to your funds on the new device. This recovery process ensures that your cryptocurrencies remain safe even if your physical device is lost or damaged. If you need assistance, the Trezor wallet support team is always ready to help.

How to transfer crypto to a hardware wallet?

Transferring your cryptocurrencies to your Trezor wallet is easy! If you have digital assets stored online, simply move them to your Trezor device using these steps:

  1. Connect your Trezor device to your computer and open the Trezor Suite app.
  2. Use the app to generate a receive address for the cryptocurrency you want to transfer.
  3. Confirm this address on your Trezor device to ensure its accuracy.
  4. From your online wallet or exchange, initiate a transfer to the confirmed address.
  5. Wait for the transaction to be processed on the blockchain.

Once complete, your crypto will be securely under your control in your Trezor cold wallet. This process works for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, making the Trezor bitcoin wallet a popular choice among crypto enthusiasts.

Whether you’re using the Trezor Model T, exploring the hidden wallet feature, or comparing a Trezor wallet vs Ledger, the process remains straightforward and secure. With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, the Trezor crypto wallet has earned positive reviews from users and experts alike, cementing its position as one of the best hardware wallet options available.

Remember, when choosing a Trezor wallet, consider factors such as supported coins, security features, and ease of use. Whether you opt for the basic Model One or the advanced Safe 5, you’re investing in top-tier crypto security. So take control of your digital assets today with a Trezor hardware wallet – your gateway to secure and hassle-free crypto management.

Comprehensive Coin Management

Connect your Trezor hardware wallet with Trezor Suite for a seamless crypto experience. The Trezor wallet app offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to effortlessly send and receive coins, track your portfolio, trade assets, and even pay for daily essentials directly from the application. Whether you’re using a Trezor Model T or any other Trezor crypto wallet, you’ll find the Suite intuitive and feature-rich.

Check & Verify: Unparalleled Security

No more second-guessing your transactions. With the Trezor wallet, every transaction initiated on the app requires your explicit confirmation directly on your Trezor hardware wallet. This two-factor authentication ensures that your crypto assets remain secure, even if your computer is compromised. The Trezor cold wallet technology keeps your private keys offline, providing an extra layer of protection against online threats.

Simple Setup & Use: Crypto Made Easy

Setting up your Trezor wallet is a breeze. Simply grab your Trezor device, plug it in, open Trezor Suite, and let your crypto journey begin! We’ve designed the process to be straightforward, eliminating technical jargon and speaking your language. Whether you’re a crypto novice or an experienced trader, you’ll find the Trezor wallet login process and overall user experience smooth and intuitive.

Boss-Level Security: The Hidden Wallet Feature

Take your security to the next level with the Trezor hidden wallet feature. This advanced functionality allows you to create a passphrase wallet, essentially locking your assets in an impenetrable virtual safe deposit box on your Trezor device. Even if someone gains physical access to your device, they won’t be able to access your hidden wallet without the passphrase. This feature makes the Trezor hardware wallet one of the most secure options available in the market.

Mobile Sync & Tracking

Stay up to date with your portfolio using our mobile app. The Trezor Lite mobile app allows you to monitor your cryptocurrency holdings stored on your hardware wallet while on the move. This view-only feature ensures that you can keep an eye on your investments without compromising the security of your Trezor cold wallet. The app is designed with privacy in mind, ensuring that your personal data remains protected.

Find the Best Deal: Integrated Exchange Comparison

Trezor Suite goes beyond basic wallet functionality. It allows you to compare exchanges, choose the best offer, and trade directly from the app. This feature ensures that you always get the best deal when buying or selling your crypto assets.

Why Choose Trezor?

Trezor has established itself as a leader in the crypto security space. The Trezor wallet review community consistently praises its combination of security, ease of use, and feature-rich ecosystem. Whether you opt for the Trezor Model T or another model, you’re getting one of the best Trezor wallets available.

Trezor vs. Other Wallets

When comparing Trezor wallet vs Ledger or other competitors, Trezor stands out for its open-source firmware, which allows for community audits and faster security updates. The Trezor hardware wallet also boasts a wider range of supported coins compared to many competitors.

Is Trezor Hack-Proof?

While no system is 100% hack-proof, the Trezor wallet hacked incidents are extremely rare and often due to user error rather than device vulnerability. Trezor’s security model, which keeps private keys offline and requires physical confirmation for transactions, makes it one of the most secure options available.

Getting Started with Your Trezor Wallet

Learning how to use Trezor wallet is straightforward. The device comes with clear instructions, and the Trezor Suite provides an intuitive interface for managing your crypto assets. If you ever need assistance, the Trezor wallet support number is readily available, and the knowledgeable support team is always ready to help.

Supported Coins

Trezor wallet supported coins include all major cryptocurrencies and a wide range of altcoins. Whether you’re interested in a Trezor bitcoin wallet or want to store a diverse portfolio of digital assets, Trezor has you covered.

In conclusion, whether you’re looking for a secure cold storage solution, a user-friendly interface for daily transactions, or a comprehensive crypto management tool, the Trezor crypto wallet offers a compelling solution. With its robust security features, wide range of supported coins, and continuous development, Trezor remains at the forefront of crypto wallet technology. Take control of your digital assets today with Trezor.

Wide range of security features inside Trezor Suite app

Sign & Verify

Sign & Verify confirms ownership of specific addresses on your Trezor. This feature adds an extra layer of security by allowing you to prove that you control a particular cryptocurrency address without exposing your private keys. It’s especially useful when interacting with exchanges or other services that require address verification.

Discover all features

Explore the full range of Trezor Suite’s capabilities to maximize your crypto management experience. From advanced security measures to user-friendly interfaces, Trezor Suite offers a comprehensive set of tools designed to meet the needs of both novice and experienced cryptocurrency users.

Over 9 coins & tokens supported natively

Trezor wallets offer native support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies, ensuring that you can manage your diverse portfolio with ease. Whether you’re interested in major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum or exploring newer altcoins, Trezor has you covered.

Search Supported coins

Use our intuitive search function to quickly find out if your preferred cryptocurrencies are supported by Trezor. Simply enter the name or ticker symbol of the coin you’re interested in, and get instant information about its compatibility with your Trezor wallet.

Control your financial future

Take charge of your crypto assets with Trezor’s powerful suite of tools. From secure storage to easy management and trading, Trezor empowers you to make informed decisions about your digital wealth.

Compare Products

Explore our range of Trezor hardware wallets to find the perfect fit for your needs. Whether you’re a casual investor or a seasoned trader, we have a solution that matches your requirements for security, functionality, and ease of use.

Comparing Trezor to Other Hardware Wallets

When considering Trezor wallet vs Ledger or other competitors, Trezor stands out for its open-source firmware, which allows for community audits and faster security updates. The Trezor hardware wallet also boasts a user-friendly interface and a wide range of supported coins.

By following these steps carefully, you’ll successfully complete the login procedure and gain access to your Trezor wallet. Remember to always prioritize security when dealing with your cryptocurrency assets.

Final Thoughts!

This comprehensive guide should provide you with a clear understanding of how to use your Trezor wallet device effectively. However, if you need any additional advice or encounter any issues during the setup or login process, don’t hesitate to reach out to Trezor’s support team. They are available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

We sincerely hope that you don’t encounter any difficulties while following these procedures. However, if you do face any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact Trezor’s support services. They are well-equipped to help you resolve any issues you might experience.

For those planning to stay in the cryptocurrency industry for the long term, investing in a hardware wallet like Trezor is an excellent decision. The security provided by these devices is unparalleled, offering peace of mind for your digital assets. We strongly recommend using the official link when downloading the Trezor Suite application. Be cautious of any other links, as they may be fraudulent and compromise your security.

Remember, the key to successfully using your Trezor wallet is to follow the instructions carefully, prioritize security, and stay informed about best practices in cryptocurrency management. With your Trezor hardware wallet, you’re taking a significant step towards securing your digital assets and participating in the exciting world of cryptocurrencies.


Trezor offers a range of products to suit different user needs:


Expand your knowledge about Trezor and cryptocurrencies:


Additional resources and information:

Bitcoin (BTC)

The world’s first and most well-known cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is fully supported by Trezor wallets.

Trezor supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including:

Trezor suite

Trezor allows you to easily send and receive various cryptocurrencies using the intuitive Trezor Suite interface.

Trezor Suite

The all-in-one platform for managing your digital assets:

With Trezor’s cold wallet technology and user-friendly interface, managing your cryptocurrency portfolio has never been easier or more secure. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crypto enthusiast, Trezor provides the tools and protection you need to navigate the world of digital assets with confidence.

Countries of Delivery

The Trezor hardware wallet, a leading crypto wallet solution, is available for delivery in numerous countries worldwide. This extensive list showcases the global reach of Trezor’s cold wallet technology, making it accessible to crypto enthusiasts across various continents. Whether you’re looking to buy a Trezor wallet in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, or Oceania, chances are your country is on this comprehensive list.

From major cryptocurrency hubs like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to smaller nations and territories, Trezor ensures that users around the world can benefit from its secure storage solutions. The wide availability of Trezor wallets speaks to the company’s commitment to making cryptocurrency security accessible to a global audience.

Here’s an alphabetical list of countries where you can have your Trezor wallet delivered:

Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Curaçao, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jersey, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norfolk Island, North Macedonia, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Réunion, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin (French part), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Spain – Canary Islands, Spain – Ceuta, Spain – Melilla, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (U.S.), Zambia, Zimbabwe

This extensive list demonstrates Trezor’s commitment to providing secure cryptocurrency storage solutions to users worldwide. Whether you’re in a major financial center or a small island nation, you can enjoy the benefits of a Trezor hardware wallet. The global availability of Trezor wallets ensures that cryptocurrency enthusiasts everywhere can access top-notch security for their digital assets.

The Trezor wallet supports a wide range of currencies, with the US Dollar being a primary option for many users. This flexibility allows Trezor wallet owners to manage their cryptocurrencies in relation to their preferred fiat currency, making it easier to track value and make informed decisions about their digital assets.


Whether you’re using the Trezor wallet app or accessing your account through the Trezor wallet login page, you’ll find that the interface is designed to provide a seamless experience across various currencies. This multi-currency support is just one of the many features that make Trezor a top choice for those seeking a reliable and versatile crypto wallet.

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